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There are many forms of direct mail that you can use, such as catalogs, brochures, and letters. One of the most effective of these is a postcard, which can be very informative and eye-catching.

Unlike other forms of direct mail, which require the recipient to open the envelope to learn more about the business, postcards are very effective from the moment they arrive in the mailbox. They can help boost brand awareness, attract more customers, and advertise your offerings.

In this article, we’ll talk about some of the latest direct mail statistics and how you can improve the effectiveness of your postcard advertising.

How Effective is Postcard Advertising?

Postcards are a popular direct mail marketing tool, but they are also very easy to throw away.

Despite the widespread use of social media and online advertising, direct mail still remains a popular marketing tool. According to recent studies, the average response rate on house and prospect lists is 9% and 5%, respectively.

According to a Gallup poll conducted in 2015, over half of Americans over 65 years old and 36 percent of those under 50 years old look forward to receiving the mail each day. While it’s important to target each demographic in your marketing efforts, postcards can still be effective regardless of your age group.
A study conducted by The Private Life of Mail revealed that direct mail advertising is very effective because it allows consumers to keep their brand in mind for a long time. In addition to being able to prompt an immediate response, direct mail marketing techniques can also help consumers recall your brand.
According to the study, 39% of the respondents stated that they display their mail in their home, which provides additional opportunities for a postcard to catch their attention.

In order to attract more attention and engage more consumers, what are some of the strategies that you can employ to make your postcard stand out?
How to Improve Your Postcard Advertising

Although postcards are typically one of the most inexpensive forms of direct mail, they can still be used to create a unique and effective marketing campaign. There are a variety of ways that you can utilize to make your postcards stand out from the crowd.
Focus on the Design

When it comes to creating effective postcards, it’s important to consider the way you say it. For instance, if you’re planning on promoting a sale, choosing the right images and text can help convey the message quickly.

For instance, a pizza shop’s postcard should have a phone number to help potential customers place an order. But, this may not be the best place for a full menu card. Instead, focus on two to four coupons that will get customers excited to order.

Use simple phrases and words that are easy to read and convey the most important information in a quick and efficient manner. Choose vibrant colors and fonts that are easy to read. In addition to being able to raise awareness for your brand, a postcard should also feature the company’s logo and other distinctive elements, which will make your customers more likely to associate with you.

Involve Your Audience
As part of your campaign, try to get as much engagement as possible. This can be done by sending out a personalized message, for example, or by asking customers to go online and redeem a coupon code.

These strategies can help you connect with your customers and provide you with valuable data on your campaign’s success. You’ll be able to see how many people redeem their offer and whether they’re part of your mailing list.

Use Different Shapes and Sizes
Although postcards are typically regarded as standard-sized items, you can still customize them to fit your campaign’s needs. Some companies even create customized ones that are designed to fit their brand. For instance, a pet store can create a postcard that looks like a bone, while a pizza shop can create one that looks like a slice of pizza.

Don’t be afraid to utilize different sizes to stand-out from the crowd. For instance, Mail Shark has various options, such as the Colossal, the oversized, and the Jumbo. Large cards allow you to include multiple images and coupons without making it feel like you’re hoarding them.

Send a Follow-Up
Sending out one postcard may not be enough to let customers know about your business. They may need to check your website, download your app, or follow you on social media to get in touch with you. In order to maintain a long-term relationship, you’ll need to send each client several postcards.
One of the reasons why you should send another postcard is that it takes time to build a strong brand awareness. A lack of response can be a result of bad timing or the incorrect product or service that you advertised. Effective campaigns will make multiple attempts to reach each client.

After they’ve received your postcard, make sure to follow up with a follow-up message. This may be as simple as sending a thank you for their purchase or an offer that’s only available for their return. This will show that you value their business and encourage them to continue being loyal to you.

Provide a Time Limit For Your Offer
Creating brand awareness is only worth the cost if a customer eventually responds to your campaign. A postcard magnet that a customer hangs on their refrigerator for a year might get noticed by all of their friends, but has anyone actually called the number?

Give your customers an incentive to respond to your postcard by including a time limit on any offers you provide. Whether it’s a coupon that expires in two months, a one-time-only offer, or a seasonal product that won’t be available for long, create a sense of scarcity or limited availability to make the most of your campaign.

This doesn’t mean you can’t send a similar coupon again in the future, but it increases the likelihood that a customer will engage now rather than put it to the side and forget all about it.

How We Can Help
Premier Mail Marketing can help you implement your campaign strategy from the very beginning. We have extensive experience working with various industries and can help you identify the ideal approach for your business.
We have various options for you to choose from, including our sample templates or request a customized quote online. We can help you create effective and profitable direct mail advertisements.