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Anyone who has a business to market probably knows just how many ways there are to advertise a business. There’s direct mail of course, but also social media, blogs, radio, TV commercials, and so much more.

While the ways you can advertise your business are virtually unlimited, your finances probably aren’t so much. You’ll have to decide which forms of advertising are worthwhile, and which you can put off for later.

Although only you can decide whether direct mail is right for you, here’s a few reasons why you might want to include it in your advertising strategy:

Higher Open Rates
Email marketing campaigns are fairly common, but they have a shockingly low open rate. An email marketing campaign that’s going well might see a percentage of 17%-28%. Open rates for mail campaigns are much higher, with some campaigns seeing as high as 90% open rates.

The simple truth is, people still love getting mail in their mailbox. Ads are an important way for some consumers to compare prices, shop smart, and find the business right for them. Consumers may glance at social media ads or an interesting email, but just as often they are looking in their mailbox for local business.

More Engaging
Despite direct mail marketing being an older form of advertising, it’s still well received by consumers. Studies show that people respond differently to paper compared to digital media. It takes less cognitive effort for a person to understand print media, vs. a piece of online media.
This means even if a person simply glances at your postcard, they’ll get more out of it compared to passing by your media on Facebook or Instagram.

Ads Seen as More Valuable
People perceive products and events they see in the mail as more valuable than those they see online. If you want your product to be seen as higher-end, sending it out through direct mail may be a good strategy.
This perception is usually subconscious but it still plays a big role in whether a consumer is interested in your product or not. If your goal is to show potential customers that your product has value, and is perhaps more valuable than local competitors, direct mail is a good way to go.

Ads Stay for Longer
Consumers tend to retain ads from their mail for longer than they do an email. Direct mail postcards, especially if they are attractively designed, may linger in the house of the consumer as they take time to consider the message.

Beautiful, attractive advertisements can do very well in this way.

Is Direct Mail Right For You?
Direct mail isn’t always right for every company, but it’s worth looking into as a valuable advertising strategy. A solid advertising strategy is complex, requiring multiple avenues to reach your audience in the right way.
Although some people have seen direct mail as an older, perhaps outdated method of advertising, nothing can be farther from the truth. Direct mail is a valuable way to share your message with your audience in a fun and unique waay.